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Ashley Eckstein grew up inspired by all things Disney. She launched Her Universe, an apparel company catering to fan girls, which has become a preferred partner for Disney and their girl power initiative. In IT'S YOUR UNIVERSE, Ashley shares her own life lessons, as well as lessons from iconic Disney characters, as a way to inspire girls to create big dreams and work to make them a reality. Ashley tells her story of being a little girl dreaming of being on a Disney stage, voicing the first female Jedi, Ahsoka Tano, and starting Her Universe, a blockbuster clothing line and community for fangirls. With prompts for journal entries and quotes from iconic Disney characters, Ashley shows how princesses, Jedi, and super heroes were great role models for choosing her own path.
Ashley Eckstein grew up inspired by all things Disney. She launched Her Universe, an apparel company catering to fan girls, which has become a preferred partner for Disney and their girl power initiative. In IT'S YOUR UNIVERSE, Ashley shares her own life lessons, as well as lessons from iconic Disney characters, as a way to inspire girls to create big dreams and work to make them a reality. Ashley tells her story of being a little girl dreaming of being on a Disney stage, voicing the first female Jedi, Ahsoka Tano, and starting Her Universe, a blockbuster clothing line and community for fangirls. With prompts for journal entries and quotes from iconic Disney characters, Ashley shows how princesses, Jedi, and super heroes were great role models for choosing her own path.
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Due to publisher restrictions the library cannot purchase additional copies of this title, and we apologize if there is a long waiting list. Be sure to check for other copies, because there may be other editions available.
About the Author-
Known to Star Wars fans as the voice of Ahsoka Tano on Star Wars: The Clone Wars and Star Wars Rebels, actress and entrepreneur, ASHLEY ECKSTEIN, also founded Her Universe, the groundbreaking fangirl fashion company and lifestyle brand. Ashley has been widely recognized as a business woman and Fangirl trendsetter. She was chosen by Good Housekeeping magazine as one of their 25 Awesome Women for 2016. Her Universe is a proud licensee for Disney/Star Wars and Marvel, BBC/Doctor Who, CBS/Star Trek, Studio Ghibli as well as a growing roster of properties. Ashley is a recognized personality in the "geek world" and an in-demand actress and host starring in several TV specials, live shows, events and videos for Disney, HSN, Comic-Con HQ and more. In addition to Star Wars' Ahsoka Tano, Ashley is also the voice of Mia the bluebird on Disney's Sofia The First, Dagger on Disney XD's Ultimate Spider-Man and the voice of Cheetah on DC Super Hero Girls. Ashley was also heard on the big screen in 2016 as the voice of Yaeko in the English adaptation of Studio Ghibli's beloved film Only Yesterday alongside fellow Star Wars actress Daisy Ridley and acclaimed actor Dev Patel. In October 2016, Her Universe was acquired by Hot Topic, Inc. and joined their stable of brands as a stand-alone subsidiary, e-commerce and wholesale brand. Ashley continues her role as Founder and GMM of Her Universe and in overseeing every aspect of the company.
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