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In this New York Times bestseller, twenty-six renowned authors team up to create a first-rate serial thriller—a collaboration that combines the skills of today's greatest storytellers to produce one gripping murder mystery.
"The lineup of writers who have contributed to this mystery is akin to the Murderers' Row of the 1927 New York Yankees. There is not a weak spot in the bunch." —David Baldacci, from the Introduction Sandra Brown. Faye Kellerman. Tess Gerritsen. J.A. Jance. Jeffery Deaver. John Lescroart. Kathy Reichs. Lisa Scottoline. Jeff Lindsay. These are only a handful of the names that make up the all-star lineup of authors behind No Rest for the Dead, a tale of vengeance, greed, and love that flows seamlessly, in the words of David Baldacci, "as it passes from one creator's mind to the next."
When a ruthless curator at San Francisco's McFall Art Museum is murdered, his wife is the primary suspect. She is tried, convicted, and executed. Ten years later, Jon Nunn, the detective who cracked the case, is convinced that the wrong person was put to death. With the help of the dead woman's friend, he plans to finally uncover the truth. Solving this case may be Nunn's last chance for redemption...but the shadowy forces behind this murder will stop at nothing to silence the past forever.
Each of these bestselling writers brings his or her distinctive voice to the narrative, building the tension to a shocking, explosive finale. No Restfor the Dead is a thrilling, page-turning accomplishment that only today's very best authors could achieve.
In this New York Times bestseller, twenty-six renowned authors team up to create a first-rate serial thriller—a collaboration that combines the skills of today's greatest storytellers to produce one gripping murder mystery.
"The lineup of writers who have contributed to this mystery is akin to the Murderers' Row of the 1927 New York Yankees. There is not a weak spot in the bunch." —David Baldacci, from the Introduction Sandra Brown. Faye Kellerman. Tess Gerritsen. J.A. Jance. Jeffery Deaver. John Lescroart. Kathy Reichs. Lisa Scottoline. Jeff Lindsay. These are only a handful of the names that make up the all-star lineup of authors behind No Rest for the Dead, a tale of vengeance, greed, and love that flows seamlessly, in the words of David Baldacci, "as it passes from one creator's mind to the next."
When a ruthless curator at San Francisco's McFall Art Museum is murdered, his wife is the primary suspect. She is tried, convicted, and executed. Ten years later, Jon Nunn, the detective who cracked the case, is convinced that the wrong person was put to death. With the help of the dead woman's friend, he plans to finally uncover the truth. Solving this case may be Nunn's last chance for redemption...but the shadowy forces behind this murder will stop at nothing to silence the past forever.
Each of these bestselling writers brings his or her distinctive voice to the narrative, building the tension to a shocking, explosive finale. No Restfor the Dead is a thrilling, page-turning accomplishment that only today's very best authors could achieve.
Due to publisher restrictions the library cannot purchase additional copies of this title, and we apologize if there is a long waiting list. Be sure to check for other copies, because there may be other editions available.
Due to publisher restrictions the library cannot purchase additional copies of this title, and we apologize if there is a long waiting list. Be sure to check for other copies, because there may be other editions available.
About the Author-
David Baldacci is a worldwide bestselling novelist. With his books published in over 45 languages and in more than 80 countries, and with over 110 million copies in print, he is one of the world's favorite storytellers. David Baldacci is also the cofounder, along with his wife, of the Wish You Well Foundation, a nonprofit organization dedicated to supporting literacy efforts across America. Still a resident of his native Virginia, he invites you to visit him at www.DavidBaldacci.com, and his foundation at www.WishYouWellFoundation.org, and to look into its program to spread books across America at www.FeedingBodyandMind.com.
June 6, 2011 Twenty-six of the best-known names in the businessâincluding Jeffery Deaver, Faye Kellerman, Alexander McCall Smith, Kathy Reichs, Thomas H. Cook, and Lisa Scottolineâcontribute chapters to this modestly entertaining "who-really-done-it." In 2000, museum curator Rosemary Thomas is executed in California for the murder of her philandering curator husband, whose decomposing corpse was found in an iron maiden shipped from the U.S. to Germany. Police detective Jon Nunn helped convict Thomas, but a decade later he's sure of her innocence and sets out to catch the real culprit by using her request for a memorial service as an opportunity to convene a roster of alternate suspects with a slew of motives. While many readers will enjoy the inventive changes of plot direction and seeing how the next author will deal with them, others may feel a similarity of tone and style is less a sign of creative minds in sync than of bland homogenization.
January 2, 2012 Twenty-six writers and six narrators join forces in the audio edition of this twisted tale of greed, betrayal, and murder. It’s been a decade since Rosemary Thomas was executed for the murder of her husband. But former police detective Jon Nunn—whose investigation led to the arrest and conviction of Rosemary—is still convinced she was innocent. With guilt driving him to the bottle, Nunn sets out to find the real killer, justice for Rosemary, and maybe a little redemption for himself. While employing a variety of writers works well, the use of multiple readers falls flat. Although each narrator delivers a fine performance, the production jumps between readers in a way that can be disruptive to listeners. That isn’t to say this isn’t an enjoyable, fun listen; it is. But the story would flow better if the publisher had stuck with one narrator. A Touchstone hardcover.
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