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Shannon Chakraborty, the bestselling author of The City of Brass, launches a new trilogy of magic and mayhem with this tale of pirates and sorcerers, forbidden artefacts and ancient mysteries, and one woman's quest to seize a final chance at glory... A pirate of infamy and one of the most storied and scandalous captains to sail the seven seas. Amina al-Sirafi has survived backstabbing rogues, vengeful merchant princes, several husbands, and one actual demon to retire peacefully with her family to a life of piety, motherhood, and absolutely nothing that hints of the supernatural. But when she's offered a job no bandit could refuse, she jumps at the chance for one final adventure with her old crew that will make her a legend and offers a fortune that will secure her and her family's future forever. Yet the deeper Amina dives the higher the stakes. For there's always risk in wanting to become a legend, to seize one last chance at glory, to savour just a bit more power...and the price might be your very soul.
Shannon Chakraborty, the bestselling author of The City of Brass, launches a new trilogy of magic and mayhem with this tale of pirates and sorcerers, forbidden artefacts and ancient mysteries, and one woman's quest to seize a final chance at glory... A pirate of infamy and one of the most storied and scandalous captains to sail the seven seas. Amina al-Sirafi has survived backstabbing rogues, vengeful merchant princes, several husbands, and one actual demon to retire peacefully with her family to a life of piety, motherhood, and absolutely nothing that hints of the supernatural. But when she's offered a job no bandit could refuse, she jumps at the chance for one final adventure with her old crew that will make her a legend and offers a fortune that will secure her and her family's future forever. Yet the deeper Amina dives the higher the stakes. For there's always risk in wanting to become a legend, to seize one last chance at glory, to savour just a bit more power...and the price might be your very soul.
Due to publisher restrictions the library cannot purchase additional copies of this title, and we apologize if there is a long waiting list. Be sure to check for other copies, because there may be other editions available.
Due to publisher restrictions the library cannot purchase additional copies of this title, and we apologize if there is a long waiting list. Be sure to check for other copies, because there may be other editions available.
October 31, 2022 A legendary pirate embarks on one last caper in this entertaining 12th-century historical fantasy from Chakraborty (City of Brass, written as S.A. Chakraborty). Years of dangerous seafaring earned Amina Al-Sirafi a reputation as a fearsome pirate captain, but everything changed when she gave birth to her daughter, Marjana, and quietly left bandit life behind her. Then Salima, the mother of a former crewmate, flushes her out of hiding and offers her a million-dinar deal to retrieve Salima’s granddaughter, who was kidnapped by the sorcerer Falco Palamenestra. Amina can’t refuse the temptation to return to the sea and secure Marjana’s financial future. She recruits her old crew to help her, and together they uncover Falco’s real motives. Too late they realize that their foe has powers beyond their capacity to fight, but Salima leaves Amina no choice but to press on despite the odds when she threatens Marjana’s life. If readers are not won over by the playful plot twists and thrilling action sequences, they will fall for the charmingly crooked cast and dry humor. This swashbuckling adventure is sure to delight. Agent: Jennifer Azantian, Azantian Literary Agency.
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