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Good Bad Girl
Cover of Good Bad Girl
Good Bad Girl
A Novel

"Stephanie Racine's talented narration helps create an atmospheric backdrop for this dark mystery.... Her timing helps the tension build as the events head to a revealing climax." —AudioFile on Daisy Darker
Sometimes bad things happen to good people, so good people have to do bad things.

Our Queen of Twists, bestselling author of Daisy Darker and Rock Paper Scissors Alice Feeney, returns with another thrilling mystery filled with drama and her trademark surprises.
Twenty years after a baby is stolen from a stroller, a woman is murdered in a care home. The two crimes are somehow linked, and a good bad girl may be the key to discovering the truth.
Edith may have been tricked into a nursing home, but at eighty-years-young, she's planning her escape. Patience works there, cleaning messes and bonding with Edith, a kindred spirit. But Patience is lying to Edith about almost everything.
Edith's own daughter, Clio, won't speak to her. And someone new is about to knock on Clio's door...and their intentions aren't good.
With every reason to distrust each other, the women must solve a mystery with three suspects, two murders, and one victim. If they do, they might just find out what happened to the baby who disappeared, the mother who lost her, and the connections that bind them.
In the style of Daisy Darker and Rock Paper Scissors, Good Bad Girl is a thriller in which nobody can be trusted and the twists come fast and furious.
A Macmillan Audio production from Flatiron Books.

"Stephanie Racine's talented narration helps create an atmospheric backdrop for this dark mystery.... Her timing helps the tension build as the events head to a revealing climax." —AudioFile on Daisy Darker
Sometimes bad things happen to good people, so good people have to do bad things.

Our Queen of Twists, bestselling author of Daisy Darker and Rock Paper Scissors Alice Feeney, returns with another thrilling mystery filled with drama and her trademark surprises.
Twenty years after a baby is stolen from a stroller, a woman is murdered in a care home. The two crimes are somehow linked, and a good bad girl may be the key to discovering the truth.
Edith may have been tricked into a nursing home, but at eighty-years-young, she's planning her escape. Patience works there, cleaning messes and bonding with Edith, a kindred spirit. But Patience is lying to Edith about almost everything.
Edith's own daughter, Clio, won't speak to her. And someone new is about to knock on Clio's door...and their intentions aren't good.
With every reason to distrust each other, the women must solve a mystery with three suspects, two murders, and one victim. If they do, they might just find out what happened to the baby who disappeared, the mother who lost her, and the connections that bind them.
In the style of Daisy Darker and Rock Paper Scissors, Good Bad Girl is a thriller in which nobody can be trusted and the twists come fast and furious.
A Macmillan Audio production from Flatiron Books.

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About the Author-
  • Alice Feeney is the New York Times bestselling author of Beautiful Ugly, Good Bad Girl, Daisy Darker, Rock Paper Scissors, His & Hers, I Know Who You Are, and Sometimes I Lie. Her novels have been translated into over thirty languages, and have been optioned for major screen adaptations. Alice was a BBC journalist for fifteen years, and now lives in the Devon countryside with her family.
  • Publisher's Weekly

    Starred review from June 19, 2023
    Feeney’s latest (after Daisy Darker) solidifies her reputation as a premier purveyor of psychological suspense. She grabs readers from page one, as an unnamed woman, wracked with guilt about being an ambivalent mother, is distracted while shopping; when she returns her attention to her baby carriage, her six-month-old daughter is gone. “I will never see her again and it is all my fault,” the woman thinks. “Because I know who has stolen her. And I know why.” From there, Feeney introduces several women, including Frankie, who’s just left her job as a prison librarian, and her teen daughter Patience, who’s run away from home and works as an attendant at a London senior-care facility. Patience has bonded with one of the residents, Edith, a former store detective whose daughter tricked her into signing away her house, and Clio, a therapist who believes another resident at the home was murdered. As the women’s relationships deepen, Feeney gradually reveals their connection to the initial abduction, keeping readers constantly off-balance with shifting perspectives and brilliantly withheld information. All the while, she mines the murky waters of mother/daughter relationships with aplomb, anchoring the flashy plotting in palpable emotion. This crafty thriller will touch readers’ hearts as much as it bends their minds. Agent: Kari Stuart, CAA.

  • Library Journal

    June 10, 2024

    Feeney's (Daisy Darker) latest starts as a baby is abducted from its stroller. Twenty years later, a woman is found murdered in a care home, setting off an investigation that reveals the connection between the two events. In the present, listeners meet Edith, a spunky octogenarian trying her best to escape the care home. Edith has bonded with the young new worker, Patience, but she doesn't know that Patience is constantly telling her lies. Meanwhile, Clio, Edith's estranged daughter, wants nothing to do with her mother. When an ill-intentioned stranger enters the scene, the women must work together to discover the truth of the murders, the abduction, and their own closely held secrets. Narrators Katherine Press and Stephanie Racine keep the tension high in this fast-paced and gripping story. Listeners will need to pay close attention as the novel jumps from past to present and includes multiple POVs, but this is all part of the fun. VERDICT Feeney's fans and first-time listeners alike will enjoy seeing the pieces of this twisty thriller come together. Share with those seeking a fast-paced page-turner layered with insights into family dynamics and mother-daughter relationships.--Elyssa Everling

    Copyright 2024 Library Journal, LLC Used with permission.

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    Macmillan Audio
  • OverDrive Listen
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Good Bad Girl
Good Bad Girl
A Novel
Alice Feeney
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