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  التنقل الرئيسي
The End
غلاف The End
The End
The End
من تصميم  Lemony Snicket
استعارة استعارة


Like an off-key violin concert, the Roman Empire, or food poisoning, all things must come to an end. Thankfully, this includes A Series of Unfortunate Events by Lemony Snicket. The thirteenth and final installment in the groundbreaking series will answer readers' most burning questions: Will Count Olaf prevail? Will the Baudelaires survive? Will the series end happily? If there's nothing out there, what was that noise?

Then again, why trouble yourself with unfortunate resolutions? Avoid the thirteenth and final book of Lemony Snicket's international bestselling series and you'll never have to know what happens.


Like an off-key violin concert, the Roman Empire, or food poisoning, all things must come to an end. Thankfully, this includes A Series of Unfortunate Events by Lemony Snicket. The thirteenth and final installment in the groundbreaking series will answer readers' most burning questions: Will Count Olaf prevail? Will the Baudelaires survive? Will the series end happily? If there's nothing out there, what was that noise?

Then again, why trouble yourself with unfortunate resolutions? Avoid the thirteenth and final book of Lemony Snicket's international bestselling series and you'll never have to know what happens.

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  • Chapter One

    If you have ever peeled an onion, then you know that the first thin, papery layer reveals another thin, papery layer, and that layer reveals another, and another, and before you know it you have hundreds of layers all over the kitchen table and thousands of tears in your eyes, sorry that you ever started peeling in the first place and wishing that you had left the onion alone to wither away on the shelf of the pantry while you went on with your life, even if that meant never again enjoying the complicated and overwhelming taste of this strange and bitter vegetable.

    In this way, the story of the Baudelaire orphans is like an onion, and if you insist on reading each and every thin, papery layer in A Series of Unfortunate Events, your only reward will be 170 chapters of misery in your library and countless tears in your eyes. Even if you have read the first twelve volumes of the Baudelaires' story, it is not too late to stop peeling away the layers, and to put this book back on the shelf to wither away while you read something less complicated and overwhelming. The end of this unhappy chronicle is like its bad beginning, as each misfortune only reveals another, and another, and another, and only those with the stomach for this strange and bitter tale should venture any farther into the Baudelaire onion. I'm sorry to tell you this, but that is how the story goes.

    The Baudelaire orphans would have been happy to see an onion, had one come bobbing along as they traveled across the vast and empty sea in a boat the size of a large bed but not nearly as comfortable. Had such a vegetable appeared, Violet, the eldest Baudelaire, would have tied up her hair in a ribbon to keep it out of her eyes, and in moments would have invented a device to retrieve the onion from the water. Klaus, the middle sibling and the only boy, would have remembered useful facts from one of the thousands of books he had read, and been able to identify which type of onion it was, and whether or not it was edible. And Sunny, who was just scarcely out of babyhood, would have sliced the onion into bite-sized pieces with her unusually sharp teeth, and put her newly developed cooking skills to good use in order to turn a simple onion into something quite tasty indeed. The elder Baudelaires could imagine their sister announcing "Soubise!" which was her way of saying "Dinner is served."

    But the three children had not seen an onion. Indeed, they had not seen much of anything during their ocean voyage, which had begun when the Baudelaires had pushed the large, wooden boat off the roof of the Hotel Denouement in order to escape from the fire engulfing the hotel, as well as the authorities who wanted to arrest the children for arson and murder. The wind and tides had quickly pushed the boat away from the burning hotel, and by sunset the hotel and all the other buildings in the city were a distant, faraway blur. Now, the following morning, the only things the Baudelaires had seen were the quiet, still surface of the sea and the gray gloom of the sky. The weather reminded them of the day at Briny Beach when the Baudelaires had learned of the loss of their parents and their home in a terrible fire, and the children spent much of their time in silence, thinking about that dreadful day and all of the dreadful days that had followed. It almost would have been peaceful to sit in a drifting boat and think about their lives, had it not been for the Baudelaires' unpleasant companion.

    Their companion's name was Count Olaf, and it had been the Baudelaire orphans' misfortune to be in this dreadful man's company since they had become orphans and he had become their guardian. Olaf had hatched scheme after scheme in an attempt...

نبذة حول المؤلف-
  • Lemony Snicket had an unusual education, which may or may not explain his ability to evade capture. He is the author of the 13 volumes in A Series of Unfortunate Events, several picture books including The Dark, and the books collectively titled All The Wrong Questions.

  • Booklist

    October 15, 2006
    After a singularly bad beginning, the Baudelaire orphans, Violet, Klaus, and Sunny, have finally reached the end." "The question is, will Book the Thirteenth in A Series of Unfortunate Events meet the expectations of the series' myriad fans? Snicket might put it a somewhat different way: if " end" simply means " to cease," the answer is yes. If, however, " end" means " to complete," the answer is most assuredly no--because though Snicket neatly clips numerous threads in the tragic saga, he leaves others literally fluttering in the breeze. As with the previous books, this one begins where its predecessor left off, with the orphans and the villainous Count Olaf afloat on dangerous open seas. When a storm blows their craft ashore, kindly islanders welcome the orphans, but Olaf is an outcast. Have the children finally found the longed-for "last safe place on earth?" Not so fast . . . before long, they are once again scrambling to avert disaster and death ("Kikbucit," as Sunny puts it when a couple of characters are terminated). If possible, this title is even more preposterous than others in the series (the children help an old friend give birth), as well as considerably longer than some. But frequent references to the other adventures will send Snicket fans back to previous books to delight once again in the idiosyncratic characters, the wry humor, and the wordplay, which has surely increased their vocabulary tenfold.(Reprinted with permission of Booklist, copyright 2006, American Library Association.)

  • The Horn Book

    January 1, 2007
    In this thirteenth and final volume, the Baudelaires are shipwrecked on an island with both their tormentor, Count Olaf, and their ally, Kit Snicket. The story focuses on the dangers of willful ignorance and is, of course, couched in zanily over-the-top predicaments. Snicket excels at balancing the expectation of happy ending against his own repeated declarations that none exists.

    (Copyright 2007 by The Horn Book, Incorporated, Boston. All rights reserved.)

  • The Horn Book

    January 1, 2007
    In the thirteenth and final volume of A Series of Unfortunate Events, the Baudelaire orphans find themselves shipwrecked on an island with both their tormentor, the cartoonish Count Olaf, and their ally, an injured and very pregnant Kit Snicket, sister to the omnipresent narrator. Readers will be intrigued to discover a bit more of the Baudelaire parents' past, though little else of their secret society is revealed. Instead, the conflict focuses on the dangers of willful ignorance as a means of safety and is, of course, couched in a series of zanily over-the-top predicaments that make enterprising use of the children's talents. Trademark authorial ticks are in full evidence, and include a three-page riff on the dual meanings of the phrase in the dark along with the forcedly whimsical definitions of terms. As well, the moral equivalency drawn between the Baudelaires (who commit treachery to survive) and their foes (who, apparently, survive solely to commit treachery) will chafe at readers who recognize the importance of mitigating circumstances. Where Snicket excels here is in balancing the expectation of happy ending against his own repeated declarations that none exists. Only a few loose threads resolve, and treachery still abounds, but Violet, Klaus, and Sunny are finally given the opportunity to make their own choices. No longer victims of the inevitable battles between noble "volunteers" and villains, they are now willing conscripts in the fight -- and that may be enough to appease their many devoted fans.

    (Copyright 2007 by The Horn Book, Incorporated, Boston. All rights reserved.)

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حاول مرة أخرى خلال عدة أيام. إذا كنت لا تزال غير قادر على استعارة العناوين بعد 7 أيام، الرجاء الاتصال بالدعم.


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حدث خطأ.

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The End
The End
The End
Lemony Snicket
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