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  التنقل الرئيسي
Stay in the Game
غلاف Stay in the Game
Stay in the Game
من تصميم  Megan Atwood
استعارة استعارة
The prize: $10 million The rules: Be the first to complete ten tasks assigned by the Benefactor. Do not ask questions. Do not tell anyone what you're doing. Do not fail. The consequences: Unknown James's grandpa is dying. An experimental treatment has a chance of saving him, but James's family can't afford it. Not unless James competes in the Contest. The rules are sketchy, and the tasks seem dangerous...and definitely wrong. James has the feeling this contest is about a lot more than the prize money. But he can't back out now—can he?
The prize: $10 million The rules: Be the first to complete ten tasks assigned by the Benefactor. Do not ask questions. Do not tell anyone what you're doing. Do not fail. The consequences: Unknown James's grandpa is dying. An experimental treatment has a chance of saving him, but James's family can't afford it. Not unless James competes in the Contest. The rules are sketchy, and the tasks seem dangerous...and definitely wrong. James has the feeling this contest is about a lot more than the prize money. But he can't back out now—can he?
الصيغ المتاحة-
  • OverDrive Read
  • EPUB eBook
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    2 - 3

نبذة حول المؤلف-
  • Megan Atwood lives in Minneapolis, Minnesota, where she teaches creative writing at a local college and the Loft Literary Center. She has an M.F.A. in writing for children and young adults.
  • Publisher's Weekly

    February 15, 2016
    In this first book in the Contest series, written at a fourth-grade reading level, African-American high school senior James Trudeleau receives a mysterious email from an anonymous “Benefactor,” who challenges him to compete in a contest with a $10 million prize—money that could pay for an experimental treatment for his dying grandfather. James reluctantly complies, struggling with his moral compass as he performs increasingly dangerous tasks. Breathless pacing and an exciting cliffhanger ending offer solid hooks for readers to seek out the subsequent volumes (Raise the Stakes, Break the Code, and Turn the Tables), all available simultaneously. Ages 11–up.

  • Kirkus

    November 15, 2015
    This first in a series of five novellas that follow a single storyline introduces the first participant in a contest that seems too good to be true. African-American James takes care of his beloved grandfather, who is dying of a disease that's treatable with an experimental method not covered by insurance. Desperate, James enters a contest offered to him online by someone calling himself the "Benefactor." If James can complete 10 tasks before any other contestants, he will win $10 million. James agrees but soon grows suspicious that the Benefactor is up to no good. James must break into lockers, deliver mysterious packages, and, later, actively commit a crime. When he gets even the smallest detail wrong, the Benefactor threatens him. As James approaches the final tasks, he realizes he needs an ally to escape the Benefactor. Atwood weaves together the first three novellas, all of which follow different contestants, until a common narrative emerges. Although the novellas are numbered, they could be read in any order. Extremely short and written quite simply, they emphasize page-turning suspense. The major storyline clearly will resolve in the fourth and fifth books, almost compelling readers, reluctant or not, to continue with the series. Despite the book's brevity, James comes across as an admirable character even as he struggles to extricate himself from a seemingly impossible situation. Highly engaging, with more to come. (Thriller. 12-18)

    COPYRIGHT(2015) Kirkus Reviews, ALL RIGHTS RESERVED.

  • The Horn Book

    July 1, 2016
    To win $10 million from the mysterious Benefactor, four teenagers must complete a series of ten tasks. Questioning the contest or contacting other contestants brings immediate consequence, and, worse, threatens their families, who desperately need the prize money. As the tasks grow increasingly sinister, the contestants work to outsmart the Benefactor. Despite some editing issues, these hi-lo books are nonetheless thrilling page-turners.

    (Copyright 2016 by The Horn Book, Incorporated, Boston. All rights reserved.)

  • Kirkus Reviews

    "These are the first three novellas in the series The Contest; they need to be read in order. The mysterious Benefactor ropes in teens across a multicultural spectrum, each with a dire financial issue, by promising a prize of $10 million to the first one to complete a series of ten tasks, some less threatening than others. James's grandfather is dying from cancer, and only an expensive experimental drug offers hope in Stay in the Game. Ana and her sister are living with wealthy foster parents in a mansion, but they are psychologically, verbally, and physically abused in Beat the Odds. Colin needs to raise money to pay for his sister's transgender surgery in Raise the Stakes. The Benefactor plays each teen against the others and uses their dreams of helping themselves and their families as blackmail. The books create a thrill-seeking sense of impending disaster, and readers will root for the characters as they begin to unite to discover who the Benefactor is and what he/she really intends to do with the information they steal. The series offers a perfect choice for adolescents who struggle to find easy-to-access plots with believable characters. The last two books in the series are Break the Code and Turn the Tables."—VOYA

معلومات العنوان+
  • Publisher
    Lerner Publishing Group
  • OverDrive Read
    تاريخ الإصدار:
  • EPUB eBook
    تاريخ الإصدار:
معلومات الحقوق الرقمية+
  • يمكن تطبيق حماية حقوق التأليف والنشر (DRM) المطلوبة من قبل الناشر على هذا العنوان للحد من الطباعة أو النسخ أو منعهما. ويحظر مشاركة الملفات أو إعادة توزيعها. وتنتهي صلاحية حقوقك في الوصول إلى هذه المواد في نهاية فترة الاستعارة. يرجى الاطلاع على ملاحظة هامة حول المواد الخاضعة لحقوق التأليف والنشر لمعرفة الشروط السارية على هذا المحتوى.

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تفاصيل محسنة:


توافر محدود

قد يتغير التوافر طوال الشهر حسب ميزانية المكتبة.

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بمجرد أن يبدأ التشغيل، لديك hساعة/ساعات لعرض العنوان.




يتضمن تنسيق OverDrive Read لهذا الكتاب الإلكتروني رواية احترافية يتم تشغيلها عندما تقرأ في المتصفح الخاص بك. اعرف المزيد هنا.



إجمالي الحجوزات:



تم تعطيل بعض خيارات التنسيق. يمكنك رؤية خيارات تحميل إضافية خارج هذه الشبكة.


البحرين، ومصر، وهونج كونج، والعراق، وإسرائيل، والأردن، والكويت، ولبنان، وليبيا، وموريتانيا، والمغرب، وعمان، وفلسطين، وقطر، والمملكة العربية السعودية، والسودان، والجمهورية العربية السورية، وتونس، وتركيا، والإمارات العربية المتحدة، واليمن


لقد وصلت إلى الحد الأقصى الخاص بك في المكتبة للعناوين الرقمية.

لتوفير مجال للمزيد من العناوين، يمكنك إعادة بعض العناوين من رف الكتب.


تم الوصول إلى حد الاستعارة الزائد

هناك الكثير من العناوين التي تم استعارتها وإعادتها طريق حسابك خلال فترة قصيرة من الوقت.

حاول مرة أخرى خلال عدة أيام. إذا كنت لا تزال غير قادر على استعارة العناوين بعد 7 أيام، الرجاء الاتصال بالدعم.


لقد اتطلعت على هذا العنوان بالفعل. للوصول إليه؛ ارجع إلى رف الكتب.


هذا العنوان غير متوفر لنوع بطاقتك. إذا كنت تعتقد أن هذا خطأ اتصل بالدعم.


حدث خطأ.

إذا استمرت هذه المشكلة، الرجاء الاتصال بالدعم.



ملاحظة: قد تقوم Barnes and Noble بتغيير قائمة الأجهزة التالية في أي وقت.

اشتر الآن
وساعد مكتبتنا على الربح!
Stay in the Game
Stay in the Game
Megan Atwood
اختر شريك بيع بالتجزئة أدناه لشراء هذا العنوان لنفسك.
يتم الحصول على جزء من مبلغ الشراء الحالي لدعم مكتبتك.


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