ترغب OverDrive في استخدام ملفات تعريف الارتباط (الكوكيز) لتخزين المعلومات على جهاز الكمبيوتر الخاص بك لتحسين تجربة المستخدم الخاصة بك على موقعنا. ويعتبر أحد ملفات تعريف الارتباط التي نستخدمها بالغ الأهمية لجوانب معينة لكي يعمل الموقع وقد تم ضبطه بالفعل. ويمكنك حذف ومنع كل ملفات تعريف الارتباط من هذا الموقع، ولكن هذا قد يؤثر على ميزات أو خدمات معينة للموقع. لمعرفة المزيد عن ملفات تعريف الارتباط التي نستخدمها وكيفية حذفها، انقر هنا للاطلاع على سياسة الخصوصية التي نتبعها.
NATIONAL BESTSELLER • Molly the Maid has a whole new mystery to solve in this heartwarming novella from the #1 New York Times bestselling author of The Maid and The Mystery Guest. “[Molly is] the most interesting (and endearing) main character in a long time.”—Stephen King, on The Maid Molly Gray has always loved the holidays. When Molly was a child, her gran went to great lengths to make the season merry and bright, full of cherished traditions. The first few Christmases without Gran were hard on Molly, but this year, her beloved boyfriend and fellow festive spirit, Juan Manuel, is intent on making the season Molly’s mofinst joyful yet. But when a Secret Santa gift exchange at the Regency Grand Hotel raises questions about who Molly can and cannot trust, she dives headfirst into solving her most consequential—and personal—mystery yet. Molly has a bad feeling about things, and she starts to wonder: has she yet again mistaken a frog for a prince? A heartwarming, magical story about the true spirit of the season, The Mistletoe Mystery reminds us that love is the greatest mystery of all.
NATIONAL BESTSELLER • Molly the Maid has a whole new mystery to solve in this heartwarming novella from the #1 New York Times bestselling author of The Maid and The Mystery Guest. “[Molly is] the most interesting (and endearing) main character in a long time.”—Stephen King, on The Maid Molly Gray has always loved the holidays. When Molly was a child, her gran went to great lengths to make the season merry and bright, full of cherished traditions. The first few Christmases without Gran were hard on Molly, but this year, her beloved boyfriend and fellow festive spirit, Juan Manuel, is intent on making the season Molly’s mofinst joyful yet. But when a Secret Santa gift exchange at the Regency Grand Hotel raises questions about who Molly can and cannot trust, she dives headfirst into solving her most consequential—and personal—mystery yet. Molly has a bad feeling about things, and she starts to wonder: has she yet again mistaken a frog for a prince? A heartwarming, magical story about the true spirit of the season, The Mistletoe Mystery reminds us that love is the greatest mystery of all.
بسبب قيود الناشر، لا تستطيع المكتبة شراء نسخ إضافية من هذا العنوان، ونحن نعتذر إذا كانت هناك قائمة انتظار طويلة. تأكد من التحقق من وجود نسخ أخرى، لأنه قد تكون هناك طبعات أخرى متاحة.
بسبب قيود الناشر، لا تستطيع المكتبة شراء نسخ إضافية من هذا العنوان، ونحن نعتذر إذا كانت هناك قائمة انتظار طويلة. تأكد من التحقق من وجود نسخ أخرى، لأنه قد تكون هناك طبعات أخرى متاحة.
From the coverChapter 1
My gran loved all holidays, but her favorite by far was Christmas. Every year, when December rolled around, she’d take out the Advent calendar she’d made herself, repurposed from an index cabinet discarded by a library after computers rendered the card catalogue system obsolete.
Gran polished that cabinet until the grain was tiger-striped and golden. On each one of the twenty-five tiny drawers, she hand-painted a date in December, and below each number, she added a Christmas-themed flourish—a snowflake for December 3, a Santa hat for December 12, and for Christmas Day, the three Magi, heads bowed, each wise man cradling a glorious gift in his palms.
When I was a child, and well beyond, Gran would fill each of those twenty-five drawers with a wondrous treasure she’d scavenged for all year long and had saved just for me—a soft-pink seashell, a cherry chocolate wrapped in red foil, a miniature silver spoon.
On December 1, she’d bring home a fresh-cut Christmas tree given to her by the Coldwells, the last family she’d worked for as a maid. We’d haul that tree up several flights of stairs, dragging it into our apartment and festooning it with popcorn garlands and an assortment of homemade ornaments.
Then, on Christmas Day, we’d wake up early, and still in pajamas, we’d open our presents. One year, Gran made me an entire crate of orange marmalade, my absolute favorite. Another year, she gave me a silver necklace, a gift, she said, given to her by a dear friend decades earlier. I gasped when I opened the box and saw the chain shimmering against the white cotton batting.
“But it’s your necklace, Gran,” I said. “I can’t accept this.”
“Of course you can. It will look lovely on you.”
And so it did. I wore that silver necklace from that day forward.
But no sooner had I received the beautiful gift than I recognized a new problem. “Oh dear,” I said.
“What’s the trouble?” Gran asked.
“The gift I got for you is useless now,” I replied.
I picked up the parcel I’d wrapped for Gran in brown paper and topped with a red satin bow. My gift to her was a heart-shaped jewelry box I’d thrifted from a nearby store. Pure brass, it was filthy and tarnished when I bought it, which is why I got it for next to nothing. I polished and buffed that heart until it gleamed and glowed.
“Oh, Molly,” Gran said when she opened it. “It’s a beautiful jewelry box.”
“Beautiful but useless,” I said. “You have nothing to put in it now.” We both knew that the only jewelry Gran possessed was the necklace she’d just given to me.
“No matter. I shall treasure this gift always.”
She placed that heart-shaped box on her bedside table, where it remains to this day.
Each year when the holiday season rolls around, I find myself taking stock of my life and ruminating about Christmases past. Gran died several years ago, and yet here I am, remembering her fondly at this special time of year. After Gran died, I thought I’d never know joy again, that I’d spend the rest of my existence living like a mushroom in the dark. But it is not so. I live with my beloved boyfriend, Juan Manuel, who reminds me how to shine. He’s a beacon of light adding hope and good cheer to all of my days. Sometimes, I have to pinch myself. My life is so good, I wonder if it’s actually real. And if it is...
September 30, 2024 Molly Gray, head maid at the Regency Grand Hotel, returns in Edgar winner Prose’s charmingly low-key sequel to The Mystery Guest. As a child, Molly and her grandmother had little money, but Gran made every Christmas special by creating an annual Advent calendar filled with “upcycled” trinkets. Now Molly and her boyfriend, pastry chef Juan Manuel, follow the same thrifty pattern. The couple are deep in the honeymoon phase, doting on each other, turning their bathtub into a makeshift spa, and admiring their “misfit” Charlie Brown tree with its macaroni star topper. But Molly starts to doubt Juan’s faithfulness when he begins withholding details about his whereabouts and grows evasive about the hotel staff’s annual Secret Santa exchange. Eschewing violence altogether, Prose focuses instead on the mysteries of romantic relationships, which brings the stakes way down from the previous Maid novels. Still, breezy prose, appealing characters, and sitcomesque storytelling propel the entertaining plot to its sweet, albeit predictable, conclusion. This is sure to put readers in the holiday spirit. Agent: Madeleine Milburn, Madeleine Milburn Literary.
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