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  التنقل الرئيسي
The Day My Mother Left
غلاف The Day My Mother Left
The Day My Mother Left
من تصميم  James Prosek
استعارة استعارة
When his mother leaves with the father of his worst enemy at school, nine-year-old Jeremy seeks to make sense of her abandonment. He throws himself into recreating the Book of Birds, a collection of drawings that his mother took with her on the day she left. While his father fights his own depression and his sister distances herself from their lives, Jeremy turns wholeheartedly to nature, and finds solace in the quiet comfort of drawing.
In this novel, James Prosek tells Jeremy’s story without blame, without self-pity, and without excuses. The Day My Mother Left should be listened by anyone who has gone through the pain of losing a parent, and by anyone who wants to meet Jeremy, a boy who can see inside himself the person he wants to become.
When his mother leaves with the father of his worst enemy at school, nine-year-old Jeremy seeks to make sense of her abandonment. He throws himself into recreating the Book of Birds, a collection of drawings that his mother took with her on the day she left. While his father fights his own depression and his sister distances herself from their lives, Jeremy turns wholeheartedly to nature, and finds solace in the quiet comfort of drawing.
In this novel, James Prosek tells Jeremy’s story without blame, without self-pity, and without excuses. The Day My Mother Left should be listened by anyone who has gone through the pain of losing a parent, and by anyone who wants to meet Jeremy, a boy who can see inside himself the person he wants to become.
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نبذة حول المؤلف-
  • James Prosek is an artist and the author of eight books inspired by his interest in fishing. He published his first book, Trout: An Illustrated History (Knopf, 1996), while still an undergraduate at Yale University. In addition to writing articles for various publications such as The New York Times and Audubon magazine, Prosek has also been profiled in media outlets such as NPR's All Things Considered, Watercolor magazine, and The New York Observer. He's been fly-fishing with Tom Brokaw during a Nightly News segment and has sold Rolling Stone's Jann Wenner four different paintings that hang in the publisher's home in Idaho. His first solo art show in New York was at Gerald Peters Gallery in 1999 followed by other shows in Santa Fe, Philadelphia, and Paris, to name a few.

    Joel Johnstone is an American actor who has appeared on stage and television. He has narrated the audiobooks The Day My Mother Left by James Prosek, The Cloud Chamber by Joyce Maynard, and Thirteen Reasons Why by Jay Asher.
  • Publisher's Weekly

    January 22, 2007
    Prosek (A Good Day's Fishing
    ) movingly chronicles young Jeremy's emotional upheaval after his mother abandons the family, in this sophisticated novel. Often teased as a "mama's boy," Jeremy feels forlorn without his mother, who left to live with another man. As the boy's father slips into a deep depression, and his 16-year-old sister is increasingly absent, Jeremy seeks refuge with his beloved Uncle John (their celebration of the boy's 10th birthday draws upon the author's interest in fishing) and at the home of his best friend, Stephen. Throughout his ordeal, Jeremy's drawings give him a source of strength, and pen-and-inks attributed to Jeremy pepper the narrative. His father's girlfriend, Susan, reaches out to Jeremy by giving him some much-needed attention, along with art supplies that belonged to her father. The author credibly depicts how Susan's kindness demonstrates to Jeremy just how self-absorbed his mother had been. Prosek also conveys Jeremy's inner struggle after he learns that his mother has been in contact with his sister; the boy's feelings of confusion, betrayal and anger surface—even as he tries to suppress them. After three years, Jeremy eventually finds a way to reconnect with his mother on his terms, and readers will feel hopeful for the hero, even if he cannot yet recognize his own strength. Ages 12-up.

  • School Library Journal

    July 1, 2007
    Gr 5-8- -Nine-year-old Jeremy Vrabec is devastated when his mother abandons the family and moves in with a classmate's father in this novel by James Prosek (S & S, 2007). Over the next three years, Jeremy goes through a grieving process of denial, anger, depression and, finally, acceptance. Jeremy must deal with his father's rage and his older sister's apathy. He immerses himself in recreating a collection of drawings of birds his mother took with her when she left. In one bizarre plot twist, Jeremy takes drawing lessons and an older girl poses nude for him. This may limit the audiobook's use by younger audiences. Eventually, Jeremy's sister goes off to college and his father remarries. The women in this novel all have issues. Jeremy's mother is enigmatic and self-centered; his older sister is impatient and sarcastic; and his new step-mother begins as a sympathetic character but eventually becomes a whiney shrew. Narrator Joel Johnstone does a fine job distinguishing the different characters in the story. Have the print version available so listeners can appreciate the gorgeous pen and ink drawings.-Tricia Melgaard, Centennial Middle School, Broken Arrow, OK

    Copyright 2007 School Library Journal, LLC Used with permission.

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حاول مرة أخرى خلال عدة أيام. إذا كنت لا تزال غير قادر على استعارة العناوين بعد 7 أيام، الرجاء الاتصال بالدعم.


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حدث خطأ.

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The Day My Mother Left
The Day My Mother Left
James Prosek
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